How Does Servant Leadership Influence Employees’ Subjective Well-being: The Role of Leader-member Exchange and Supervisor’s Organizational Embodiment

Received:October 15, 2017  Revised:October 15, 2017

Key Words:  servant leadership; subjective well-being; leader-member exchange; supervisor’s organizational embodiment

Author NameAffiliation
Yuying Lin* Tsinghua Univerisy 

Hits: 597

      With the increasing time people devote to work and the emergence of workplace pressure, how to improve and maintain the well-being of employees has drawn widespread concern in academia and practice. Based on the self-determination theory, this paper posit the important role of servant leadership. Generally it explores the mechanism and boundary conditions of how servant leadership affects employees’ subjective well-being and proposes a moderated mediation model. Specifically, with data from 197 employees, servant leadership promotes employees’ subjective well-being by improving the quality of leader-member exchange. Moreover, findings reveal that a supervisor’s organizational embodiment positively moderates the effect of servant leadership on employees’ subjective well-being.