Why is HR Needed Strategically? A Strategy Tripod Perspective on HR’s Strategic Integration

Received:October 06, 2017  Revised:October 10, 2017

Key Words:  HR’s strategic integration, industry-based view, resource-based view, institution-based view, complementary view.

Author NameAffiliation
AMY TIAN0 Curtin University 
jian xun chen* Institute of International Economy University of International Business and Economics 
Bo Zhang0 College of Business Administration Capital University of Economics and Business 

Hits: 493

      From a strategic tripod perspective, we take an integrative view to examine the role of a set of objective variables in industry, institution and firm’s internal resources in determining HR’s strategic integration. We conceptualize that it is the confluences of industry dynamics, state ownership and firm size that determine HR’s strategic integration. Specifically, industry dynamics are competing in terms of their impact on HR’s strategic integration. Furthermore, the extent of this competition also depends on the size of the firm. Our conceptualization is supported by the empirical analysis of subjective-objective combined, time-lagged, and cross-level data from 168 firms and statistic year books in an emerging economy. Our study contributes to literature concerning both strategic human resource management and strategic tripod theory. It also offers practical implications for managers and HR professionals.