Reflection in a complex decision-making task: Initial capability and primed learning goals as boundary conditions

Received:October 13, 2017  Revised:October 13, 2017

Key Words:  reflection intervention, primed learning goal, strategic decision-making, initial capability, strategic management education

Author NameAffiliation
Miles Yang0 Macquarie University 
Yucheng Zhang0 Hebei University of Technology 
Feifei Yang0 East China Normal University 

Hits: 577

      This study attempts to advance the reflection and management education literature by examining the relationship between reflection and task performance in a strategic decision-making setting and two boundary conditions of such a relationship – an individual’s initial capability and primed learning goals. We employed a behavioral decision-making experiment in a well-controlled lab using a strategic decision-making simulation as the experimental task. Our finding that the relationship between reflection and performance is not always linear is of particular relevance for strategic management and management education.