Job crafting between Generations X and Y: A cross-cultural study of Iran and China

Received:October 16, 2017  Revised:October 16, 2017

Key Words:  Job crafting, national culture, generational differences

Author NameAffiliation
Amir Hossein Emamizadeh0 Nottingham University Business School China 
Alim J Beveridge* Nottingham University Business School China 

Hits: 583

      To obtain a more comprehensive understanding of and expand theory on job crafting, this qualitative study examines the effect of generational differences and national culture on job crafting. Via interviews with employees from two generations, Generation X and Y, and two countries, Iran and China, the study uncovered how national culture, self vs. other-oriented motivations for development and autonomy can enable and constrain job crafting activities. Findings showed that certain job crafting activities clash with values and beliefs that are central to both Iranian and Chinese culture, such as the loyalty to family, and importance of relationship building. Moreover, the two generation groups tend to have different motivations behind their involvement in job crafting activities: Generation Y participant are mostly concerned for their personal development whereas the Generation X participants are mostly concerned for the development of a better future, company, or society. The third theme that is identified in this study expanded the scope of the research as the role of autonomy does not specifically relate to Generation X and Y. Individuals working in relatively lower-ranked positions tend to be provided with limited degree of autonomy, which in turn limits their opportunity to engage in different job crafting activities, whereas, individuals in higher positions regardless of having autonomy are expected to meet organizational objectives, which in turn reduces the effectiveness of having autonomy.